Walmart Stores is an American corporation which has many departmental stores chained to it throughout the country. Two Americans Andrew and Adam in their 20s are regular customers of WalMart where they seemed to notice many awkwardly/funnily dressed people. This is what their website is all about.
Very soon the site became popular with many people who started digging the articles and pictures. Facebook and Twitter also carried similiar mocks posted by the users which made the site gain heavy traffic. As a consequence, the site's threshold of traffic reached leaving their servers crashed on wednesday.
The owners of this contraversial website says that though it is basically mocking they have their own standards for it. They dont tease people with mental disabilities or people who are just fat but its about people who make themselves laughable by the way they dress (You can call it attention seeking too). Still this answer does not seem to be convince many.
On the other hand the majority seem to enjoy this by giving 500,000 views per day and this has increased to 1.2 million views when a user has posted it on facebook. The site could not afford to bear this heavy traffic and their server has crashed.
"American culture likes to single out people who appear to be different," said Tim Marema, vice president of the Whitesburg, Kentucky-based Center for Rural Strategies. "Whether it's a joke or not, all depends on which side of the camera you're on."